Since this is such a clever idea and can be customized before gifting, it really can stand alone as a great present. Simply add a message or favorite quote that your friend will appreciate and you have a unique, yet useful gift item.
Gift Bundle
It just so happens that I have a few friends with a fondness for tea and coffee. For those with a little bigger gift budget, add a few beans or exotic tea leaves with some coordinating items (honey, flavored syrups, stain removal wipes for any beverage mishaps, etc) to your messaged mug to create a lovely little gift package.
Invitation Mug/ Party Favors
Event invitations and party favors have progressively become more and more creative in their selections. For the person with a fabulous party budget, these mugs could be a great invitation and/or favor item with personalized messages or event details added for customization. Forget the candied almonds that send people to the Dentist... this is a gift they may actually use again!
Gift for the Troops
It might be some residual emotion from the holiday season, but I also started thinking about the organizations that allow you to send care packages to the troops. (Disclaimer note: I have not yet investigated the do and do not list of items...) How fun would it be to send them a postcard mug with a message of thanks and maybe even your city and state so they know its city of origin?
Teacher Gifts
I realize that teachers have mug collections that could rival the shelves of Goodwill, but IF you know that your child's teacher enjoys their warm beverages, this might be an exception to the rule of "no more mugs". How could they resist a personal message from one of their students?!
I suspect that in spite of this idea download my brain will continue to come up with ideas. Anything useful or even mildly interesting will get added as an update... just in case you can use it! Of course, if you think of any ideas I would LOVE to hear them!