Most everyone I know is familiar with the phrase, “random acts of kindness,” but do we realize that the meaning of this phrase requires action? I worry sometimes that the busy pace of life with all of its twists and turns sometimes leaves us on that road to you know where paved with good intentions. When something major pops up, we make time to lend a hand and this is great. But what about all the times in between when people need just a little bit of our kindness to get them through a rough patch? Are we diligently lending ourselves during these times or making excuses that life has gotten in the way? Being that we are all human, I suspect the latter to be the more realistic scenario. This brings me to my pontification for the day – how do we overcome this human tendency to better promote and deliver acts of kindness as a way of life? As usual, I did a little research and found some great resources!
Let’s start with a true resource for ideas, plans and information sharing on promoting acts of kindness. In 1995 an official non-profit foundation was started for the sole purpose of inspiring and assisting people to practice kindness and pass it on to others. The Random Acts of Kindness Foundation now hosts a tremendously useful website with a wide range of resources. You can find a pick me up quote, send an inspirational electronic postcard, participate in discussion boards, find plans for educational and work environments, as well as information on how kindness promotes good health. Pretty much anything you might need to inspire and promote acts of kindness in the world is available for FREE.
Another discovery is a product called Boom Boom! Cards. The creators of these cards have taken the acts of kindness movement to the next level by upgrading it from random acts to audaciously intentional efforts. They are seeking to start a revolution of sorts through the use and sharing of these cards. Let me try to explain. After selecting the deck of cards appropriate to your lifestyle and intentions, you register them with the Boom Boom site and begin your acts of kindness. Each card features beautiful artwork along with a kindness suggestion. When you have completed your act of kindness (or Boom Boom!) you are encouraged to share your story on the site and then pass the card along to someone else so they can keep the kindness momentum going. Each card has a special coding, so as it makes its way around the world inspiring kind deeds you can track the shared stories to share the journey.
I realize that of these two finds only one can be considered a traditional sort of gift. If you know someone for whom the Boom Boom! Cards would be a great find I encourage you to buy a pack and get them started. However, I also encourage you to think outside of the gift box and consider acts of kindness as a gift to both the recipient of your good deed and the world at large.
Be kind. It is hardly ever the wrong thing to do.
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